
WebQuests for L2

Problems & Solutions
WebQuest Model for L2
WebQuest for Reading & Vocabulary


WebQuest for L2 Design (I)
WebQuest for L2 Design (II)
Process Design
Scaffolding Tools


WEBQUEST FOR SECOND LANGUAGES (L2): Problems and Solutions

WebQuests offer good internet-based language learning opportunities because they provide learners with exposure to authentic material, meaningful content and possibilities for real communication in the target language. (Stoks, 2002:1)

The WebQuest model seems to be a useful strategy to supply the conditions that according to Willis (1996) can be essential for language learning:

Exposure, use and motivation, then, are three essential conditions for language learning. One without the others, or even two without the third, will not be sufficient. […] we have a fourth condition, which, although not totally essential, is highly desirable. […] It is generally accepted that instruction which focuses on language
form can both speed up the rate of language development and raise the ultimate level of learners’ attainment. (Willis, 1996:15)

However, the fourth condition: instruction is not a explicit component of the original WebQuest model.


PROBLEMS of the original model of WebQuest in an L2 learning context*
SOLUTIONS: A NEW model of WebQuest for L2*

When it comes to perform a WebQuest in a Second Language, the L2 becomes more an enemy than a friend, that is, a hindrance to do the task.

The thinking processes in an L2 are more complex;

Adapting the complexity of the task
to the student level. In fact,
we should be realistic and do not plan tasks that exceed too much the level of self-confidence and motivation of the students.
L2 speakers spend more time in the comprehension and coordination of ideas than L1 speakers.

Integrating the WebQuest in the context of a bigger learning unit, which starts before carrying out the WebQuest and still can continue after it is finished.

Supplying more background information about the topic.

Direct instruction is the fourth condition required to learn an L2 and is not present in the original model of WebQuest:

Providing abundant and firm scaffolding: apart from all type of guides that support the student in the development of the process it self, this will include lexical and syntactical support, such as lists of words, guiding questions, grammar help, etc.

* Pérez Torres, M. I. 2005. Diseño de Webquests para la Enseñanza/Aprendizaje del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera: Aplicaciones en la Adquisición de Vocabulario y la Destreza Lectora. Granada: Servicios Editoriales de la Universidad de Granada. [CD-ROM].